Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prepare Your Pet For Your Baby

Author: Maria Cummings

A baby is going to cause changes in the household routine and lifestyle. Your pet will get used to the changes much easier if a lot of them happen before the new baby arrives home. Cats, dogs, and babies are beings of routine. They are all sensitive to routine and change tends to upset them. If the changes gradually happen before baby comes home then your pet probably will not resent the baby since baby will not be associated with the change in your pet's view of the world.

During the weeks before you are due to have your baby, gradually lessen the amount of time that you spend with your pet. If you think the time of day that you walk, feed, and play with or exercise your animal will change, modify those routines now giving your pet time to adjust. Have you trained your dog to commands like sit, stay, no, and heel? Does he obey you? Does he have any aggressive tendencies? You may need a dog trainer's help before baby arrives to help make sure your dog knows you are in charge.

If you have a cat, make sure the claws are routinely trimmed. Trim your dog's claws too. Get another family member used to cleaning the cat box. Have whoever changes it wear rubber gloves and wash their hands thoroughly afterward. Follow these precautions if you end up cleaning the litter box. Animals are easily startled by the spontaneous actions and noises of children. If your pets haven't been around children much, have your nieces and nephews over a few times or invite your friends kids over to play some games and have lunch. Don't let them mistreat your pet, but let them be in the house so your pet gets used to the noise of children.

You'll be preparing for the new baby by buying various baby items and setting up the baby bed. Let your pet smell these items. This can help your animal get used to these items being around. Never allow your pets to lie on your baby's belongings or get into the baby bed. If necessary keep the door closed to the baby's room.

Buy a container that seals to put the dirty diapers in so your animals won't get into the container. Unfortunately, they will be attracted to the odor. Your cat or dog needs a place of his or her own also. If you haven't made that space in your house yet, do it now before baby gets home. Teach your pet this is his special spot by putting one of his toys there and giving him bedding. He may need to get away from the baby and other children sometimes and this should be off limits to children.

To get your pet familiar with baby noises you can play a CD of a baby crying starting a few months before you have your baby. You can rock in the rocking chair and turn on the mechanical swing routinely ahead of time too. These small preparations can make the changes positive and less stressful for your pet. And you can also give him a treat or play with him as a reward for his ability to adapt to his new family member.

About the Author:
Maria Cummings is a devoted parent, wife and expert author on family matters and parenting. She is devoted to helping children's organizations and activities. Maria is the Sales Manager for which offers a variety of baby products to help make parenting easier, from Baby Sherpa Backpacks to Snug As a Bug slings

Article Source:

Adventures In Pet Sitting: A Collection Of True Pet Stories

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sulfodene First Aid Skin Medication for Dogs, 4 oz.

Benefits of Purchasing Pet Meds Online

Author: Arianna Jordan

Pet owners agree that caring for their pets is often a joyous and enriching experience. Being able to care for an animal and experience the type of love that only pets can give creates a strong bond between owner and pet, so when a pet is sick or injured the owner may do whatever they can to take care of their pet. This generally requires a trip to the vet and, in many cases; it also requires that the pet be given prescription medications for a period of time following the initial visit. Most pet owners do not think twice about the prescriptions, paying whatever the cost is because they believe that there is no viable alternative source for the medicines that their pet needs.

Alternatives to buying pet meds directly from your veterinarian do exist, however. There are a number of websites, which allow you to buy the medications that your pet needs and have them shipped right to your door. The medicines that you order are the same ones that you would get from your vet, and are provided with the full knowledge and authorization of your veterinarian. You may find that there are a number of advantages to using online pet pharmacies, with the biggest benefits being the following:

Reduced Cost

While your veterinarian may be very good at what they do and offer reasonable prices whenever possible, many costs are associated with running a successful veterinary clinic. Online pet pharmacies do not have the same overhead as your vet’s clinic, and because the cost of running one of these pharmacies is lower, they are often able to pass the savings on to pet owners. Some medications may be significantly cheaper than what your veterinarian could offer, while providing the same quality that you would receive if you bought the medicines from the vet.


When using an online pet pharmacy you can order your pet’s medications at any time of the day or night. You do not have to worry about making time in your day to take a trip to the vet, since you can place and update orders online when it is convenient for you. The pet meds are shipped to you as quickly as possible, often arriving within two or three days after the order has been placed. In many cases, basic shipping of your pet meds is even free.

Wide Selection

Whether you are looking for Zeniquin tablets for your dog, Fluoxetine for your cat or countless other pet medications, you should be able to find them when shopping at an online pet pharmacy. Most pet pharmacies operating online pride themselves in having a wide range of medications available for pet owners, as well as a number of over-the-counter pet medications such as flea treatments. You can even find pet accessories such as nail clippers and oral hygiene chews that you can easily add to your order.

Automatic Renewals

If your pet needs to be on a long-term medication then the convenience of buying pet meds online is even greater. In addition to being able to order online and have the medications shipped directly to your house, most online pet pharmacies let you automatically renew pet meds that have multiple refills. This means that the pharmacy can automatically charge your credit or debit card that you have on file and ship the medication to you without you having to do anything; they may even make sure that your new meds arrive before your previous order runs out so that you do not have any lapse in treatment. If you are not sure whether automatic renewals are right for you or need to make changes to your order, the automatic billing can be turned off at any time.

Top Quality Service

Just because you are ordering pet meds online does not mean that you are going to have to put up with lackluster service or inferior products. The customer service staff employed by online pet pharmacies is there to help you with any problems that you may have, allowing you to get the answers that you need by phone or email. Your medications are packed securely to prevent damage during transit, ensuring that you do not end up with broken bottles or other shipping problems. The online pharmacy that you choose should try to get your order processed and on its way to you, as quickly as possible so that your pets can get the medicine that they need. However, this may also take extra time to make sure that your order is correct before it is shipped. Online tracking helps you to see where your package is and it lets you know when to expect delivery to be made.

About the Author:

Arianna Jordan is a freelance writer who often writes about topics pertaining to the care of pets and health options for pets such as pet meds.

Article Source:

4 Paws Quick Styptic Blood Stopper, 1/2 oz.,

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What You Must Know Before You Bring Your Baby Iguana Home

Coming home with a baby iguana is usually an impulse buy. People see them in one setting or another and end up running out and getting one without realizing how much work they actually are. Don't make that mistake, read a little more and then decide if you are ready to be an iguana owner.

Choosing your baby iguana is one of the most important decisions you will make when getting your pet. You really need to be careful. Never blindly take one from a shop or private owner. You want to make sure that it is living in a clean environment (if the tank is dirty and the iguana is lying around in its own feces, it very well may be susceptible to very harmful bacteria). You are also going to want your iguana to be alert but not overly aggressive, it should watch your hand going into the tank to get it, but it should not be going nuts or flipping out. Also make sure the skin in healthy, that it is not skin and bones and the eyes are clear.

Now you are going to have to create a natural habitat for this iguana. You will do so by replicating to the best of your ability, the tropical environment in which they usually exist. First things first though, you need to get a large tank, in the 50 gallon range. This is a good start, but eventually, you will have to move the iguana to a dedicated room or very large cage as they get quite large.

You must now create natural surroundings in their holding area. Appropriately sized branches and a good heat source will do the trick. The iguana needs to be able to move around on the branches easily so don't get them too big when they are a baby. Let them get larger as the animal grows. You will also need to keep the tank around 85 degrees during the day and not let it get lower than around 72 at night.

An iguana will feed off of natural sunlight. It naturally supplies them with nutrients that they need. Do not believe anyone that tells you they can give you a light source that will duplicate this because it is a flat out lie. You do need to light the cage but the iguana will get its sunlight from the sun. Either locate the tank within a natural source or make sure you give the iguana access to an area where the sunlight will hit it.

The cage or tank is also going to have to be kept moist. An iguana does not really drink, they will use their water bowl or pool for soaking. If you notice that they are consuming large amounts of water, it means that you do not have enough moisture in the air (an iguana will actually absorb their water intake through their skin via the air). Invest in a good thermometer/humidity gauge that will allow you to keep track of this.
Essential Iguana

The fun is only just beginning. Once you get this little monster home you are going to have to worry about their health, proper feeding, trimming their claws and of course taming your wild baby iguana. The information needed to properly do this thing cannot be relayed in a paragraph so go grab a good book and make sure you are educated before taking on this responsibility.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Ferrets-They Become A Passion

Would you like to know more about ferrets but just do not know where to begin or look? There are millions of other ferret owners who are overwhelmed by the large volumes of information available to them, about this charming and often comical furry creature.

You may be trying to get a pet ferret, or living with someone who already has a ferret. You may all so simply be interested in the behaviour of these musk-producing mammals, here are a few basic things that you can consider first, before you get started with keeping a ferret and it becomes a passion.

Ferrets like skunk’s are also able to produce musk. Some countries allow you to remove the glands responsible for their musk production, this obviously will stop them smelling so much. But in countries like the United Kingdom and Australia you will find that this is not really necessary.

There fur is shiny and smooth to touch because of the natural oils produced by them. Regular bathing will remove some of these oils, which is not a good thing for your pets health. They also grow long nails, so a regular nail-cutting session will be in order for ferret owners.

There are many different colors and breeds available for pet owners. Breeding them is quite easy, especially when the ferret is mated with a pole cat, this was often done in ancient times. The younger the ferret is, the more difficult it is to look after. But then if you are able to obtain one that is still a kit, you will have the advantage of training it from a very young age.

As they grow older, they will need the company of other ferrets. Older ferrets will often will display domination or superiority to the younger ferrets. They also have the tendency to develop very close almost family like cliques and may not be as open to accept new ferrets in their circle easily. .

Regulations vary from country to country, so when you are caring for your ferret, always make sure that you are properly acquainted with the regulations of the country you live in. You will find that some countries do not allow ferrets to be domesticated and become house pets, while other countries have no restrictions on keeping them as pets.

By nature, ferrets are adventurous and curious creatures. you will need to interact with your pet at least once a day, this will help satisfy there curiosity and for them to be happy under your care. They also like to dance in a strange manner when excited and this may often look like they are ready to attack, but in reality, they are just expressing their enjoyment.

Since ferrets are extremely adventurous creatures, you will have to keep an eye on them frequently. They have the tendency to swallow objects that can be poisonous or damaging to their digestive system. On top of that if they are not constantly supervised, they may be prey to some other animals like snakes and hawks on there daily roam about,
Ferret Harness and Lead Set, Teal

Ferrets became popular as pets in America only in the 1980’s. Ferrets have been used for hunting for many years, mainly rabbits and rats, this is because they are well capable of entering rabbit warrens and tiny spaces. Their natural curiosity and lack of fear, makes them really effective aids to hunters. Even the Romans found many uses for them.

Ferret Care Is It Difficult?

Ferrets are available to buy at your local pet shop or stock breeder, also you may be able to get one at a animal shelter. Because they live a long life just like a cat or dog, it is important that you know how to care for them and keep them healthy, happy pets.

Angora Ferrets are nocturnal animals that like to sleep during the day. When they wake up, it is advisable to let them out so that they can play and exercise. When you do let your pet out, it is better to make for sure all electric cords are secure, any small items are put away and all small spaces are blocked so they can not squeeze in to them. Doing this will stop your ferret from getting lost or inuring themselves.

These mammals live on strict diet and you should be well aware that they are carnivores. This means they can only be fed meat or poultry products as they require a lot of protein. There are black-footed ferret food products in the market so you best stock up to avoid the mistake of settling with cat food instead.

Aside from food, ferrets need water. You can do this by putting this in a bowl or a bottle. It is best to put this in a feeding bottle so the contents do not spill.

Your ferret must never be left unattended while in your home. If you do have to go out then use a cage, that is what they are there for. The perfect cage size is one that measures 18” x 18” x 30” or a little larger. The main thing here is for you to make for certain that it is big enough for them to move around in.

Ferrets are curious creatures and love toys, purchasing some is useful if you have to come home late from work so they will have something to do until you return. The playthings you purchase will have to be robust, as they will require to be able to withstand their sharp teeth. Again these are readily available to you on the net.

The only way to keep your ferret and home clean at the same time is to toilet train it so that waste is on the litter box and not on the carpet. You can do this by putting some waste within the box and carrying them when you see that they are about to do it.

If this is done correctly, they should be rewarded with a light snack. This trick can as well be done to teach them how to do some neat tricks to amuse guests that drop by and pay a visit.

The pet ferret should also be brought to the veterinary. States that allow you to have one want owners to give them a vaccination once a year and keep the receipts for correct documentation.
Simple Sleeper Ferret Hammock, Simple Sleeper Ferret Hammock

Some would say that the advisable time to purchase a ferret is when it is very young because they are easier to train compared to those that are much older. But irrespective of age, how things will go will be entirely up to you.

Ferret care is not difficult, all it needs is a spot of common sense and you will be able to handle it ok. You are for sure to enjoy the company of your furry friend for many years to come and might even decide to add another one so your pet has company.

If you would like to know more Free information about Ferret Care Or Marshall Ferrets Then Be Sure To Visit Ferret Help.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Making Sure That You Have Appropriate Cover For Your Pet

If you are in possession of a pet, or are considering getting one, then one thing of particular importance is the procurement of insurance. if you are getting a specific breed of animal from a breeder then it is possible to get insurance prior to actually picking the animal up. If you are just going to some rescue home though then it is unlikely that you will know all the bumph on the creature so you will have to get it insured posteriorly. Insurance for pets is for emergencies and therefore anything routine or elective has to be paid for out of your own pocket.

Therefore you need to pay a certain amount for the care of your pet yourself but as long as you are not having to have it put down because you cannot afford a veterinarian bill then you are covering the cost of your guilt. These days they use medical techniques that are used on humans so the cost of a pet procedure can run into the thousands quite literally.

Pet insurance falls into three categories. One type places a restriction on the amount that can be claimed for a specific condition. Another limits the amount that can be paid out in relation to your pet in any one year. Another type which costs the least is a policy which only lasts a year and limits the amount that is paid out. All policies pay out in the result of your animal dying, and all are privy to excess charges.

It is very difficult to be able to say how much a pet insurance policy costs on average. There are so many different pets and it is not going to cost the same to insure a hamster as it is to insure a giraffe. Obviously the age of the pet that you want to insure is going to come into play, as well as the level of coverage that you want for your pet.

There are certain things that will reduce the cost of a pet insurance policy. If you have an identity chip on your animal then this will generally reduce the cost of insurance. Having more than one animal insured with the same company will also benefit the cost of your policy. Finally you will be able to get yourself a good deal if you use the InterNet because you can get a plenitude of quotes from a comparison site and thus be able to see which company is going to charge you the least.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Maintaining Your Koi's Health

When you built your pond, you probably spent a lot of time planning its design. You made sure every plumbing piece was in place. You carefully selected your filter and your pump. Everything seems perfect. While everything mechanical is in place, did you know that you need to plan your fish just as carefully as everything else?
Many experienced fish keepers will tell you that the best way to guarantee long-lived healthy fish is to buy top quality stock from local reputable breeders. This ensures you have fish that have not been overly stressed by transport, carefully bred for quality and grown on the best food.

If you aren’t lucky enough to have a local koi breeder, or you’ve already bought your koi, not all is lost! In fact, most purchased koi are from national-level breeders, have been transported and do not have confirmed breeding standards. This doesn’t mean you can’t have great fish. It just means you need to be extra careful to quarantine and feed high quality food for continued growth.

Quarantining your koi fish is absolutely necessary for koi health. Every time you obtain a new fish (regardless of source), you need to quarantine your new koi for at least 4 weeks before adding it to your existing stock. If you don’t properly quarantine, you risk introducing foreign bacteria and viruses into your stock. There are some fish illnesses, such as bacterial infections, flukes and worms that can kill your stock in one week after introduction.

Proper quarantine means no mixed water, food or contact between your existing stock and your new fish. When quarantining, you need to watch out for signs of stress in your new fish. Signs of stress and illness include a lack of appetite, discoloration on the scales/eyes, torn fins and lethargy. If you notice any such signs, there are several treatment options.

If your fish has torn fins or external lesions, you should treat with antibiotics administered with the fish food. If your fish isn’t eating after several days, you may have internal parasites. Praziquantel (a.k.a. PraziPro) or metronidazole are very effective safe treatments for internal parasites, including gill flukes and worms. We recommend NOT using Potassium Permanganate unless you have exhausted all other options. Potassium Permanganate should never be used on fish with external lesions as it will burn their internal tissues.

After you’ve quarantined your new koi, and all goes well, you can add them to your pond! Depending on your bio-load and the number of fish you add, you may need to up your water changes. Already you should be changing at least 30% of your pond water a week to keep your pH stable and nitrates low. Adding more fish adds more waste to your filter, and it may take some time for new nitrifying bacteria to build up. Water changes keeps nitrites low if you’ve recently added a lot of new fish. On top of water changes, you should regularly add salt to your pond. This isn’t table salt or anything like that. We’re talking about salt that’s iodine-free and designed for aquarium and pond use. When you add salt to your pond, your koi will build up a thicker slime coat that supports a strong immune system. Pond salt also helps respiration in koi, and is effective in killing many common parasites. You should add 2 – 2.5 cups of pond salt per 100 gallons. You should only add more salt when you perform a water change (it does not evaporate).

For your koi, you should vary their diet instead of feeding the same pellet every day. This ensures they get enough nutrients from a variety of sources. If you have very young koi, it doesn’t hurt to feed them a hearty supply of beefheart so they grow well. Also, it’s okay and encouraged for your koi to eat some plants. This gives them plant fiber which helps prevent bloat.

Koi are beautiful hardy fish that can live for years when they’re given a stress-free environment, good koi food and stable water quality. They’re well worth the effort!
How to Keep Koi: An Essential Guide

Casey Coke is a Marketing Manager for Natural Environmental Systems, LLC, a global supplier of microbial solutions for pond and lake management. The company markets their own brand of koi pond supplies under the registered brand name of Pond Keeper.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Joining an Exotic Pet Auction

Do you intend to go to an auction to buy an exotic pet? That could be a wise move, because for sure, you are going to see lots of wonderful species there. If you have gone to one before, the proceedings should be familiar to you.
But if it is going to be your first time, listed here are the things that you should know about an exotic animal or exotic bird auction.
Exotic Environments Miniature Whale

1. Most auctions are a one-day event. Some could extend the event to two or three days. There is also a specified date as to when and where they are accepting consignments. Joining an auction isn't limited to being a buyer of exotic animals. You can also join as a seller of such.

2. Some animals aren't accepted in auctions. This includes state regulated animals such as deer and elks, as well as all other types of poisonous animals and certain skunks. So if you are a buyer looking for a rather venomous animal or an animal not allowed in your state, don't go to an exotic animal auction anymore, because you are not going to find what you are looking for there.

3. Cameras and videos aren't allowed in an auction place. For security purposes and other related reasons, the auction sponsor reserves the right not to allow any form of camera and other image-taking equipments. So when you attend an auction, leave these things at home, because you can't use that inside anyway.

4. Auction sponsors get a sale for every item sold. If you intend to join the auction as a seller, you have to be informed that your sale is subject to commission of 5% to 20%, depending upon the price of the animal you are selling. So you can adjust your prices accordingly.
Exotic Environments Miniature No Crabbing Sign

5. Auction sponsors could request for a registration fee for sellers. To ensure that the animal will arrive on the date of the auction, sponsors will ask for a registration fee, either refundable or non-refundable according to the agreement. Ask exactly how much they are going to charge per pet.

6. Admission fees can be collected from buyers. If you are coming as a buyer, a minimal amount could be asked of you as entrance fee. Usually for a 2-day event, the price is within the rage of $8 to $15. A single day event will usually be less than $10.
Exotic Environments Miniature Salvage Diver

Is there an exotic pet auction coming up near you? If there is one, and you do want to get an exotic pet, join it. Your next best friend could be there!

Avicenna has written various articles about exotic pets related topics, including Pet snake and pet turtles

Exotic Environments Miniature Cool Shark

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Treating your pets for fleas

Submitted by artavia.seo
Mon, 1 Dec 2008

If you have a pet, you probably notice fleas. Even inside pets can get them, and once they get established they can be difficult to get rid of. They suck blood from your pets, they can bite you as well, and they just seem nasty and unclean, not to mention annoying. If you want to treat fleas on your pet, there are several ways that you can do that. Shampoos are one of the most common choices for pet owners who want to kill fleas that are already on their pets. For dogs this is not too bad, but for cats it can be a hassle. Most cats won't put up with being bathed. The other downside is that these products can be dangerous for puppies and kittens and they stop working once they are rinsed off. Very few of them have residual effects, and they only treat the fleas that are present at the time. Another way to kill fleas is through the use of powders and sprays. These work a little better because they have more residual effects, but powders can be messy and most pets don't like staying still while they are being sprayed. You might end up more coated than your pet.

If those don't seem like good options for you, you can try a flea dip. This will definitely kill the fleas and have some residual effect, but you have to be careful. Flea dips are very toxic and not following the directions careful could harm you and your pet. The easiest and best choice are the systemic. These are usually a small vial of liquid that is applied to the back of the neck. They work to kill fleas and eggs, and they also repel them, so your pet won't get more. They can be costly, but most are very safe and very effective, so they are worth the extra money.
Farnam Biospot for Dogs, under 15lbs, 6 Month Supply

About the Author
This article was written on behalf of Hyper Drug a supplier of equestrian and pet medication and supplies such as Frontline